Sunday, February 6, 2011

TOP 5 Productivity Apps

Isn't it great to use your iPhone as an tool in every day life? It makes many things easier and often it's even more fun to do it with an app! These are my favourite productivity apps:

Dropbox is the one app to access all of your important documents on your way. Up to 8 GB!

iOutBank gives you the possibility to manage your bank account right on your phone. Must-have!

2Do is my personal most-used app! If you also have the problem that you cant manage all of your meetings in your head, try this out!

Flashcard Deluxe and learning is easy. Try it out and create own learning sets and share them to the world.

iSpy is not really productive, but much fun. You can access 1000s of live webcams all over the world.

Have fun and spend your saved time to chill out!
So Long!