Friday, March 4, 2011

50th Post, New Design & New Features!

Hey Guys,
so here is my first anniversary, the 50th post made it to the public and I'm still learning and testing with blogging! I hope you enjoyed the app reviews and hopefully you will come back very soon to check for the daily updates on the latest apps and games!

The new blog design startet a few days ago and I'm pretty satisfied with it, but even more important is your opinion! So please give me a feedback for it, you can either do the poll or comment on this post to tell me your thoughts and feelings about it!

In short future there wil be some improvements on the blog. I will review also Android apps to reach more people and I'm also currently working on some small design updates for faster app information in the posts!

As a bonus there will be a giveaway, but it's still a secret.... :D

Thank you for your support and see you soon!

With regards,